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Law Of Attraction Tips From 50+ Personal Growth Bloggers

I was invited to share my top Law of Attraction tip for personal growth by the Self Development secrets blog.

Here is an excerpt:

You can achieve anything you want in life if you believe in yourself. As Henry Ford was saying “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” Our thoughts and words influence our beliefs and self-confidence and those reflect in our actions. If you want something very intense and you strongly believe you are going to get it, then you will “hunt” all the opportunities that you need to make it a reality. Believing is the first step in succeeding and working hard will lead you to success. If you’re trying to manifest something in your life then this is the post you want to read. This is how the law of attraction works. 

Here is my tip:

My biggest tip is to remember that we manifest on 4 levels: The mental, the physical, the emotional and the spiritual and each manifests at...

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Women of Strength podcast with Ange Wilcock

I was recently interviewed for the Women of Strength podcast hosted by Ange Wilcock. I included links to the show via YouTube and SoundCloud below - take your pick. You can also listen to the podcast in iTunes here.



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How Meditation Changed My Life (Washington Post Feature)

I had the honor of being interviewed for the Washington Post about my experience with meditation and retreats. Please read my story.


Here is an excerpt:

As she walked along a New York City street on an October night seven years ago, Katie Kozlowski was so upset that her boyfriend had stood her up that she didn’t even notice the taxicab before it hit her head-on and threw her across the road.

She was able, amazingly, to pick herself up from the gravel, deeply startled but completely unharmed. The accident prompted Kozlowski to reflect on her life. After suffering through a string of abusive relationships and bouts of heavy drinking and depression, she knew something had to change.

“I wanted to go somewhere so I could figure out how to stop having all of these negative experiences,” she said. Not long after, she packed her bags and boarded a plane to gather with over 200 people on a week-long spiritual retreat in the heart of Ireland. (read the full article...

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It's Time To Grow Up....

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This is a lesson that has been a challenge to learn.

How can we keep our innocence and joy of youth and yet also grow up into powerful adults?

We get confused and are afraid that if we grow up we will lose that piece of who we are- but as long as we keep it in our hearts- we are forever young on the inside.

It's ok to #‎growup it's safe to be an adult and be strong. Because the child inside us never leaves...

The loving to be me Collective is almost here and there's a place for everyone in this virtual #‎happyplace

I'm creating it for all of us- because we each deserve a safe space where we can laugh, cry and be who we truly are.

Always love- Katie

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