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Becoming magnetic again: 5 creative questions to unlock your true essence

The results of denying your true essence are damaging and hurtful to yourself and the world. It throws off your vibration, makes it harder to manifest, and creates emotional pain.

 Sometimes it's subtle, but the effects of not living in your essence can create a whole lot of negative feedback and make it harder to get where you want to be.

So what can you do to bring your essence back to the surface and do that thing you do so well?

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I recently wrote a post for Soul Spring on how to become magnetic again - to help regain one's essence. Our essence is like our DNA and we can ignore it and shut it down, or we can choose to light it up and ROCK IT OUT.  

This article offers you 5 simple ways to RECONNECT with your true essence and let it shine.  

I hope you like it and if you do, please share and leave a comment! 

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Weekly Exploration: I'm Still Standing

This week I explore how we can reframe the old narratives of being knocked down and destroyed, to one of empowerment and strength in this dialogue called “I’m Still Standing”

Once upon a time it was cool to get lost and struggle, but in today’s world, there is another way. And by flipping the way we see things, we can begin to find it.

To join me weekly for my LIVE explorations join the Loving To Be Me Collective at:


And to experience my signature program Express Your True Self for FREE visit:



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