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From Self Loathing to Self Love; a candid conversation with Dr. Jenev Caddell

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2017

A few weeks ago, I had the privelige of chatting with Dr. Jennev Caddell in this awesome power chat.  

We talked about Loving To Be Me, My mentor Derek O'Neill (whom she had seen before) and my Dog Archimedes makes a guest appearance while throwing a puppy tantrum.  

Here's the scoop about what Jennev shared over at her website and I invite you to give it a watch! 

In this week’s episode of PTV, I connect with Katie Kozlowski of www.KatieKozlowski.com. Katie is the creator of Loving To Be Me and In{her} Awakening. She speaks about her work, the Divine Feminine and Masculine, and her journey in our interview today.

Katie expresses that she’s always grown up asking questions, was a sort of “chemist of energy and Spirit.” She’s additionally an actress – one who has always had questions.

From Self-Loathing to Self-Love
She noted that she always had trouble accepting herself. She has experienced a lot of trauma – such as being attacked on the street, date raped by her boss, and eventually, hit by a taxi, which she noted was a wake up call of sorts. She spoke about how she made a deal with God at that moment, in which she agreed to start accepting herself more and begin using her gifts to the best of her ability.

She then found energy work and notes how her world opened up to her. She states that her work is about helping people out of pain and suffering and into joy and love and notes that the easiest path to this is by loving yourself for who you are. It was the most difficult thing for her to just accept herself.

She discusses the significance of integrating soul and body in order to live joyfully and fully. She shares how this had been a struggle for her since an early age not always living in her body.

She notes, “nobody should have to get hit by a car to decide that they matter,” and helps people with self-acceptance before any major wake up call hits them because she does not want people to suffer.

A More Peaceful Way To Find Peace
She also shares how the status quo is to “beat the living crap out of our potential,” and suggests a kinder, softer way of opening up to our gifts through the power of self-love and self-acceptance. One of her goals is to help people install a sort of filter of love and compassion through which they can look at themselves and the world.

There’s nothing about “beating ourselves into peace” that works!

Katie also speaks about her programs Loving To Be Me and The 21 Days of In{her} Awakening, and how these programs help you install that loving lens.

She also speaks about the Divine Feminine and Masculine and how they both need each other and how we need both as well (regardless of sex or gender).

Katie’s Mentor and Energy Work
Katie also shows us her Premapranahuti pendant which is a symbol that came through her mentor, Derek O’Neill, and notes that it is all about manifestation and creation as well as the integration of all energies.

She discusses the Rising Star energy work that she found after getting hit by a taxi, which she states is incredibly powerful. She tells a story about how she wanted out of her job and while receiving a Rising Star session for the first time, she got a call that she was fired from her job. “That was really powerful!” she said to her friend. Katie offers Rising Star healing sessions in addition to her other work.

In addition to everything Katie shared about accepting yourself, she left us with a few tips:
Roll with the punches – as she so gracefully demonstrated while her dog Archimedes piped up a few times during our interview
When you’re learning something new, devour it – don’t just intellectualize it but experience it fully to get the most from it – learn with all of your senses and embody it.

Well of Love Meditation Gift
Katie has generously shared a free meditation called “The Well of Love,” that you can grab here. This is a meditation to fill your heart with love. Check it out here.



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