I've been exactly where you are now... and it wasn't until I learned to love myself fully, that everything I was searching before began to fall into place.
My passion lies within embracing the true self, healing the inner child and uncovering hidden blocks, limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that keep you stuck and unhappy.
After years of struggling and feeling lost myself, I was guided onto the path to self realization and total self love.
Together we're going to dig deep, fly high and help you realize you've been perfect exactly as you are your whole life.
Once upon a time… I was a perfect little angel. I smiled. I laughed. My grandmother said “I tickled her” and I was “the brightest little star to be born”.
A lot of things happened to me along the way the frightened me and caused me pain…but it NEVER dulled my sparkle.
I lost the tip of my finger in an accident at 2, my grandmother went into a coma after brain surgery, my alcoholic uncle came to live with us, I never got my dollhouse, my mom got breast cancer… you get the picture right?
My teens and twenties weren’t any better… Despite physical beauty, I hated myself and my body. I struggled in every area of my life and I looked in all the wrong places for love. I found myself working in the liquor industry, drinking A LOT, dating unavailable men (even a married one or two) and SO BEATEN DOWN I began to fear I’d NEVER GET IT RIGHT…OR BE HAPPY.
By the time I was 30 I’d experienced abuse, LOTS of rejection, borderline alcoholism, diet pill addictions and a whole lot of self abuse to boot.
My dreams fell away and I became angry, hurt and lonely. I wanted it all to end.
And then…at my lowest point, just when the perfect little ever-smiling angel in me was ready to give up, the miracle arrived.
It came in the form of a taxi cab that hit me the night my boyfriend stood me up.
As if a fairy godmother herself came to my rescue, I was sprinkled with fairy dust and returned to love.
And it wasn’t bound up in my body or sex appeal. It was in the true nature of that perfect little angel I was born to be…
The day I realized my higher self IS that perfect little girl at 5 years old~ bangs, funky teeth and all…She took me by the hand and helped me see my dark past.
I saw it all. The abuse. My uncle. my grandmother on the respirator. The pain of my parents feeling like failures when I got hurt. The assault. The rejection.
And then she hugged me and said “it’s ok”. Take a look at THIS and she pointed to my present and future. It was so bright I could barely see it.
That was when I understood it all….The darkness brought me to the light. And once I realized that, it all changed… FOREVER.
I’ve spent the last seven years of my life connecting to my deeper self, studying energy work and healing, the mind, the body and the ever resilient spirit.
I devoted myself to unraveling my past so I could create my future.
And now I’ve cultivated a life like this...
I earn money doing the things I love, and people respect me for who I really am.
I exercise and eat well because it feels good to take care of my body.
I’m happy to make wise investments in my personal development because it helps me grow into the person I want to be.
Life feels more simple and easy because I am finally comfortable in my own skin.
And being myself no longer feels like work. It’s feels like a joyful experience that I’m privileged to have.
I emerged a new version of the powerful woman I have always been and THAT HAS LED ME HERE TO YOU.
I believe we all deserve to be happy and and it is my mission to give you the tools to empower yourself to do exactly what I did, because it is your right. And I want to show you how.
If you find yourself thinking, there has to be more than this and a better, easier way. There is…And you’ve found it.